
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 5: Weekly Update

Last night was the coldest night yet. So cold that I wasn't able to sleep at all. Even wearing a hoodie and sweatpants to bed didn't help much. I'm still trying to hold out til November 1st. to turn the heat on. I can make it...yes...hehe.

Sniper, the kitten my roommate and I got last week, loves to cuddle up on your stomach or feet and sometimes even around your neck. So he is definitely an extra source if warmth.

This week was extra challenging to stay warm without turning on the heat. However, soon as November 1st. hits I don't care--it's on! Of course, my plan is to only turn it on for 8 hours during the night while I'm sleeping since I'm not at my apartment for most of the day. I'm also thinking about whether or not it would be cheaper to get a space heater instead of turning on the heat. I  might need to do an experiment for that.


  1. Doing some research on energy use with a space heater versus how much heat you'd use otherwise would be interesting. As long as you kept the heat contained in your room seems like it would be effective! Awesome name for your kitten by the way. Maybe invest in a couple really warm blankets? Or another new kitten?

  2. We definitely already cracked on using our heat, but when we first turned it on even just a little more warmth made a difference. Maybe you won't have to turn your heat up so high right away. I am curious whether a space heater is more efficient as well. If you figure that out you should let me know!

  3. I give you credit for holding out! :) I'm not fond of being chilled. I've been trying to be as conservative as I can without getting so chilled that I'm miserable.

    Be ware of the space heaters. Some can cost a ton and some are not too bad. I have one in my bathroom that is pretty good, in comparison. the old one.... that was supposed to be so inexpensive to run, didn't heat the room up at all and cost me a fortune.

    the one I have is by Vornado. The one I have looks SOMETHING like this one...

    but I don't see the one I have. I didn't pay that much either. I got it at walmart or manards for more like $40.

    Good luck and I would suggest useing any space heater sparingly till you know the cost.

    Stay warm!

  4. I have been talking to my roommates about our heat because I'm a huge baby and freeze easily. Its been about 57 degrees in our house lately and I'm whining constantly just to come to find out that our house will be staying about 57 degrees all winter because no one wants to pay for the bill. So I've been thinking about getting a space heater as well, I've heard it a great idea and it sounds like one too. And even for a little space heater, it gives out a lot of warmth.
