For the rest of this semester we focused a lot of learning how to find legislatures that were undergoing processes to be passed as well as learning how to read them and decide what they were all about. I never really understood much about this side of politics until I got to know my bill. It was interesting but long and wordy. Figuring it out took awhile and then learning how to address it as well as write a letter about it to a political figure was a new concept for me. Overall, it was a solid educational experience.
My favorite part of the semester was taking a field trip down to the Goodwill and getting to know how their system worked. I learned that there is a whole lot going on behind the scenes. The mattress separator machine intrigued me--I can't wait until somebody invents the couch separator machine or something similar.
My junking project didn't take me long to figure out what I wanted to do. I use Biore's cleansing cloths to wipe the make-up off my face at the end of the day, and these cloths come in small, plastic containers. I first started throwing them away until I realized that I could use them to store things such as band-aids and medical gauze in my first aid kit. Other things that I used them for is make-up and hair accessories.
In conclusion, this was an interesting class. I learned a lot about environmental health and now have made some huge differences, changes, and choices in my life. I never thought that a class could be life-changing as well as teach me so much--making me be aware of myself and my surroundings. Thank-you for the experience :)
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Friday, December 16, 2011
Share and Voice: Yahoo! Study: American Dream Homes Turn Green
Last week I found a really cool article on that talked about how a lot of Americans these days are rethinking their ideas for a dream home. They are beginning to look toward a house that is eco-friendly and sustainable. Here is the link to the article. Enjoy!
Monday, December 12, 2011
Advocacy Project: Letter to Elected Official
December 12, 2011
Congressman Michael K. Simpson
2312 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington DC 20515
Vote YES for H.R. 2584 Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act
This letter is to bring to your attention on how conserving the United States' national and state parks as well as other recreation areas benefit our nation. The proposal is looking to keep the parks open instead of shutting them down which in turn, does not benefit the people who are looking for fun, healthy things to do. I believe that making recreation available gives people an opportunity to commune with nature and gives them a sense of belonging to the land.
Different companies such as the National Park Service, the Bureau of Land Management, and many others that were established will shut down and thousands of people will be out of jobs. The animals and vegetation in this areas will either be abandoned, moved, or worse--destroyed. Maintaining and regulating the water, land, etc. will not deplete our natural resources, thus preserving for future generations a healthy environment.
Your past actions and support on the issue have been greatly appreciated, and as a health educator, I encourage you to vote "yes" to H.R. 2584. If I can provide and further information, please contact me at 555-123-9876 or
Sarra Vinnik
Congressman Michael K. Simpson
2312 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington DC 20515
Vote YES for H.R. 2584 Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act
This letter is to bring to your attention on how conserving the United States' national and state parks as well as other recreation areas benefit our nation. The proposal is looking to keep the parks open instead of shutting them down which in turn, does not benefit the people who are looking for fun, healthy things to do. I believe that making recreation available gives people an opportunity to commune with nature and gives them a sense of belonging to the land.
Different companies such as the National Park Service, the Bureau of Land Management, and many others that were established will shut down and thousands of people will be out of jobs. The animals and vegetation in this areas will either be abandoned, moved, or worse--destroyed. Maintaining and regulating the water, land, etc. will not deplete our natural resources, thus preserving for future generations a healthy environment.
Your past actions and support on the issue have been greatly appreciated, and as a health educator, I encourage you to vote "yes" to H.R. 2584. If I can provide and further information, please contact me at 555-123-9876 or
Sarra Vinnik
Monday, December 5, 2011
Advocacy Project: Fact Sheet
Funding for National Parks and Wildlife
What happens to the parks, recreation areas, and wildlife if funding is cut or decreased?
- Parks are taken over by industries to set up factories.
- National areas are shut down and not used at all.
- Animals are sent to other areas or destroyed.
- Society as a whole cannot enjoy the parks and recreation areas that were set aside in the first place.
- Limited activities.
- Higher fees.
- Job loss.
- Partial government shutdown.
Andrew Burns
Marisol Bello
Joseph DiStefano
Monday, November 28, 2011
Eye Opener: Photo Essay
My photo essay is pretty straight-forward and simple. It is just on how environmentally efficient the University of Minnesota Duluth is when it comes to the bathrooms. I walked around taking pictures with my cell phone on things that stood out to me.
This hand dryer located in the new civil engineering women bathroom is a dyson airblade handdryer which uses only 540 watts and three of these can be connected on one line. It is fast, easy, and cuts down on time drying hands.
On the other hand, there are still more bathrooms on this campus that have more paper towel dispensers instead of energy efficient handdryers such as the dyson airblade. This method kills trees and less sanitary than an automatic handdryer. You wash your hands, turn off the water, then TOUCH the push button for the paper towel to come out of the dispenser, and then dry your hands. To me it's disgusting touching the wet push button after somebody else touched it. I'd rather see more dyson airblades installed than see these around the school.
Speaking of turning off the water, some sinks still have the double or single handle for turning on the water. This women bathroom in the civil engineering building has sinks that are timed and rationed for water. Extremely efficient and saves on water.
I gotta say that this is one of my favorite things at UMD. Water-Saving Dual-Function Handle toilets. This particular one is in the women bathroom in the civil engineering building, however I know there is another bathroom at the other end of campus at the planetarium lower level. Flush up for liquid waste. Flush down for solid waste. So easy, so simple, so cool.
This is an older women bathroom located underneath the library. I wasn't sure if it was built before 1994, but let's assume it is. Most toilets before that year flush 3.5 gallons of water with each use. Let's say it gets flushed 4 times a day--that's 14 gallons already in ONE day! Times 365 it makes it 5,110 gallons in a year; and yet, we all know that these bathrooms are flushed more than 4 times a day since we have over 11,000 students using the facilities every single day.
Moving on, I really like how some bathrooms have light switches. This bathroom is a unisex located in A.B. Anderson Hall first level. The light doesn't have to be on 24/7 if nobody is using it. I walked around campus looking for light switches in bathrooms that had more than one stall but there weren't many. At work, there are two stalls in the bathroom but the light only turns on when somebody walks in. It has a motion sensor connected to it enables the light to turn in when somebody walks in. I think that even the bathrooms that have a higher traffic rate should have light switches or motion sensors to save on using light energy.
In conclusion, UMD is slowly rolling to having more energy efficient bathrooms but there is plenty of room for improvement for the older bathrooms. Can't wait to see more of the dual-function handle toilets. Those just crack me up! :D
This hand dryer located in the new civil engineering women bathroom is a dyson airblade handdryer which uses only 540 watts and three of these can be connected on one line. It is fast, easy, and cuts down on time drying hands.
On the other hand, there are still more bathrooms on this campus that have more paper towel dispensers instead of energy efficient handdryers such as the dyson airblade. This method kills trees and less sanitary than an automatic handdryer. You wash your hands, turn off the water, then TOUCH the push button for the paper towel to come out of the dispenser, and then dry your hands. To me it's disgusting touching the wet push button after somebody else touched it. I'd rather see more dyson airblades installed than see these around the school.
Speaking of turning off the water, some sinks still have the double or single handle for turning on the water. This women bathroom in the civil engineering building has sinks that are timed and rationed for water. Extremely efficient and saves on water.
I gotta say that this is one of my favorite things at UMD. Water-Saving Dual-Function Handle toilets. This particular one is in the women bathroom in the civil engineering building, however I know there is another bathroom at the other end of campus at the planetarium lower level. Flush up for liquid waste. Flush down for solid waste. So easy, so simple, so cool.
This is an older women bathroom located underneath the library. I wasn't sure if it was built before 1994, but let's assume it is. Most toilets before that year flush 3.5 gallons of water with each use. Let's say it gets flushed 4 times a day--that's 14 gallons already in ONE day! Times 365 it makes it 5,110 gallons in a year; and yet, we all know that these bathrooms are flushed more than 4 times a day since we have over 11,000 students using the facilities every single day.
Moving on, I really like how some bathrooms have light switches. This bathroom is a unisex located in A.B. Anderson Hall first level. The light doesn't have to be on 24/7 if nobody is using it. I walked around campus looking for light switches in bathrooms that had more than one stall but there weren't many. At work, there are two stalls in the bathroom but the light only turns on when somebody walks in. It has a motion sensor connected to it enables the light to turn in when somebody walks in. I think that even the bathrooms that have a higher traffic rate should have light switches or motion sensors to save on using light energy.
In conclusion, UMD is slowly rolling to having more energy efficient bathrooms but there is plenty of room for improvement for the older bathrooms. Can't wait to see more of the dual-function handle toilets. Those just crack me up! :D
Monday, November 21, 2011
Advocacy Project: Issue Overview
- What is the issue/problem?
- What current legislation has been proposed to address this? (Identify bill # and name)
Who is affected by the issue?
- Who is affected the most?
- Who loses, and what do they lose?
- Who gains, and what do they gain?
What are the consequences of the issue?
- For the individuals mostly affected?
- For their families?
- For society?
What is the economic impact of the issue?
- What are the economic costs of the issue, and who bears these costs?
- What are the economic benefits of the issue, and who benefits?
What is the social impact of the issue?
- What are the social costs of the issue, and who bears these costs?
- What are the social benefits of the issue, and who benefits?
What are the barriers?
- What are the barriers to addressing this issue?
- How can they be overcome?
What are the resources?
- What resources will we need to address this issue?
- Where and how can they be tapped?
What is the history of this issue?
- What is the history of the issue in the community?
- What past efforts were made to address it?
- What were the results?
Allies & Opponents
- Who would support this issue?
- Who would oppose this issue?
- How can you involve allies and opponents in advocacy efforts? (What common ground can you share? How can you create a win-win for your allies and your opponents?)
Your Recommendation
- How do you want policy-makers to vote on this proposed policy?
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Advocacy Project: Healthy People/THOMAS
H. R. 2584 Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2012 (Introduced in House)
Title: Make appropriations for FY2012 to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) for: (1) land and resource management; (2) construction; (3) land acquisition; (4) Oregon and California grant lands; (5) range improvements; (6) service charges, deposits, and forfeitures with respect to public lands; and (7) miscellaneous trust funds.
Latest Major Action: 7/28/2011 House floor actions. Status: Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union rises leaving H.R. 2584 as unfinished business.
Recommendation: Vote YES for H.R. 2584 Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act
My Political Representative: Unknown
Share and Voice: Environmental Health Careers (youtube video)
Alerting Health Education majors with interest in environmental health! There are jobs opening up soon within this area to help educate the people on how to live better, healthier, more environmentally friendly lives! I just got uber-excited when I watched this video. I thought: "Awesome! This is gonna be great."
In this video, they list different job descriptions for environmental health workers and the EPA was one of them. One of my friends is currently working for the EPA stationed here in Duluth, MN. If you are interested in working for the EPA, log onto their website and look in the left-hand corner for "Working with EPA." There they offer career opportunities as well as internships for students and recent graduates.
In this video, they list different job descriptions for environmental health workers and the EPA was one of them. One of my friends is currently working for the EPA stationed here in Duluth, MN. If you are interested in working for the EPA, log onto their website and look in the left-hand corner for "Working with EPA." There they offer career opportunities as well as internships for students and recent graduates.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Week 9 Share and Voice Linky Party
I went online looking for a website that was environmentally friendly and just happened to stumble across
This site caught me by surprise. I had some clothing like socks that were made out of bamboo, but didn't realize until this point that you can actually buy a sexy dress made out of bamboo for a really good price! Not only are there clothes for women but for men and children as well. The prices are fair and they have a fair trade policy. The materials used for the clothing are bamboo, hemp, and 100% organic cotton.
The store front is located in Washington state and it seems like this is currently the only physical location available so if one was to order organic clothing from them from far away, I would recommend either by phone or online placement order. Enjoy! The clothes here are AMAZING! Made me want to buy the red dress that's featured on the website.
This site caught me by surprise. I had some clothing like socks that were made out of bamboo, but didn't realize until this point that you can actually buy a sexy dress made out of bamboo for a really good price! Not only are there clothes for women but for men and children as well. The prices are fair and they have a fair trade policy. The materials used for the clothing are bamboo, hemp, and 100% organic cotton.
The store front is located in Washington state and it seems like this is currently the only physical location available so if one was to order organic clothing from them from far away, I would recommend either by phone or online placement order. Enjoy! The clothes here are AMAZING! Made me want to buy the red dress that's featured on the website.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Advocacy Project: My Political Representatives
President of the United States of America
Barack Obama, Democrat
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, D.C. 20500
Amy Klobuchar, Democrat
302 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Al Franken, Democrat
309 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Chip Cravaack. Republican
508 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
State Legislator
Kerry Gauthier, Democrat
225 State Office Building
100 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.
Saint Paul, MN 55155
State Legislator
Roger Reinert, Democrat
149 State Office Building
100 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.
Saint Paul, MN 55155
Mark Dayton, Democrat
130 State Capitol
75 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.
Saint Paul, MN 55155
Don Ness, Democrat
Room 402 Mayor's Office
411 West First Street
Duluth, MN 55802
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Reflections on Weeks 1-7
For the past seven weeks of school I have been making major changes due to being in Environmental Health. Through performing various projects such as creating a blogging account and actually keeping it up to date has taught me more in such a short a time than before. I am surprised at my own skills of what I can do. It has gotten to the point where I feel like I can blog and make money off of it at the same time. How awesome is that?
Another thing I learned is how to create a favicon--oh my goodness it was easy once Dr. Versnik walked me through it. That part of the course really stood out to me how she patiently guided me through the project.
Through the Eye Opener: CSPI project, I learned that I was eating too much meat and not enough fruits and vegetables. I have definitely noticed a change within my diet and that I eat meat less often. I FEEL better despite my busy and stressful schedule due to changing my eating habits.
Another thing that stood out recently was not buying water bottles. Watching the documentary "Tapped" really refocused my outlook. I used to buy Smartwater all the time! And now? Ugh--can't even think about the benzene in the plastic as well as knowing that the water was perfectly fine to begin with. I went straight home after that class and threw out my plastic water bottle. I still haven't bought a glass one but I am on the lookout.
Overall, this has been a good experience. Not very many classes give you a life-changing experience but this one most certainly did. I do wish that we watched more interesting documentaries since I am completely fascinated with the information.
Another thing I learned is how to create a favicon--oh my goodness it was easy once Dr. Versnik walked me through it. That part of the course really stood out to me how she patiently guided me through the project.
Through the Eye Opener: CSPI project, I learned that I was eating too much meat and not enough fruits and vegetables. I have definitely noticed a change within my diet and that I eat meat less often. I FEEL better despite my busy and stressful schedule due to changing my eating habits.
Another thing that stood out recently was not buying water bottles. Watching the documentary "Tapped" really refocused my outlook. I used to buy Smartwater all the time! And now? Ugh--can't even think about the benzene in the plastic as well as knowing that the water was perfectly fine to begin with. I went straight home after that class and threw out my plastic water bottle. I still haven't bought a glass one but I am on the lookout.
Overall, this has been a good experience. Not very many classes give you a life-changing experience but this one most certainly did. I do wish that we watched more interesting documentaries since I am completely fascinated with the information.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Eye Opener: Junk on the Brain
An antique is an old collectible item that is desirable because of its age, beauty, emotional connections, etc.
Father Time Antiques
395 S Lake Ave #1
Duluth, MN 55802
According to the urban dictionary, junking is an art form of searching for bargains or antiques to use.
Calvary Crushing and Recycling
5197 Lavaque Rd.
Duluth, MN 55803
A flea market is a type of bazaar held either indoors or outdoors where one can purchase or barter inexpensive and secondhand goods.
Studebaker Drivers Club Swap Meet Flea Market and Classic Car Show
Lake Superior College, 2101 Trinity Rd.
Duluth, MN 55811
A thrift shop is usually a retail store run by a charitable organization to help raise money.
7 West Superior St.
Duluth, MN 55802
Upcycling is a process where one used product gets converted into a better quality product that is helpful to the environment.
There really isn't much on upcycling in Duluth that I could find using a search engine.
A resale shop is similar to a consignment shop where one can take goods and place in the hands of the store's owner to sell.
Dannie Duluth Consignment Clothing and Furniture
932 E. 4th St.
Duluth, MN 55805
These terms are available for people to utilize and make them more than just a term. They provide with places and things to do to help with making our environment more appealing and healthy for us to live in. Reusing and upcycling a product is important for conserving energy and helping future generations enjoy a healthy environment.
I myself don't really antique or junk, but I love recycling--yep, actually love doing it because I know I'm doing something important for the good of the earth--and I shop at a lot of flea markets, thrift shops, and resale/consignment places. I find so many vintage or gently used clothing that appeal to me and can use them to mix and match in my wardrobe. Sometimes, I have to NOT go in to those stores because I end up spending more than I should.
I went on and found a metal file holder that was used to create a picture holder. I thought it was a pretty good idea to showcase old family photos against a metal frame to depict age and vintageness (i think i just made up that word haha!).
OMG! I also find the most amazing idea ever! It was an old garden hose reel that was used as a wine bottle holder. Instead of buying a wine holder for $100 at my wine shoppe that I work at, I can just take my mom's garden hose reel that she won't use anymore next summer and just store my wine bottles that way. This project totally excited me because I'm such a wine fanatic. My last name means 'one who makes wine' and my ancestors owned a vineyard in Ukraine.
Another idea that I thought was really cute was using old toy trucks as planters. I could use my little niece's old toys as she grows out of them to decorate my mom's house and garden for the next few years.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 5: Weekly Update
Last night was the coldest night yet. So cold that I wasn't able to sleep at all. Even wearing a hoodie and sweatpants to bed didn't help much. I'm still trying to hold out til November 1st. to turn the heat on. I can make it...yes...hehe.
Sniper, the kitten my roommate and I got last week, loves to cuddle up on your stomach or feet and sometimes even around your neck. So he is definitely an extra source if warmth.
This week was extra challenging to stay warm without turning on the heat. However, soon as November 1st. hits I don't care--it's on! Of course, my plan is to only turn it on for 8 hours during the night while I'm sleeping since I'm not at my apartment for most of the day. I'm also thinking about whether or not it would be cheaper to get a space heater instead of turning on the heat. I might need to do an experiment for that.
Sniper, the kitten my roommate and I got last week, loves to cuddle up on your stomach or feet and sometimes even around your neck. So he is definitely an extra source if warmth.
This week was extra challenging to stay warm without turning on the heat. However, soon as November 1st. hits I don't care--it's on! Of course, my plan is to only turn it on for 8 hours during the night while I'm sleeping since I'm not at my apartment for most of the day. I'm also thinking about whether or not it would be cheaper to get a space heater instead of turning on the heat. I might need to do an experiment for that.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Eye Opener: Environmental Working Group
So according to the above website, the Aquafresh Revive Teeth Whitening Trays that I use a few times a month are not that bad to for the environmental health-minded individual. The overall hazard is low, as well as risks of cancer and developmental and reproductive toxicity. Its ecotoxicology is stated to be on the low end as well.
The product has only 13 ingredients that are easy to understand and read. It contains the following:
Glycerin, Purified Water, Hydrogen Peroxide, Colloidal Silicon Dioxide, Carbomer, Polyvinyl Pyrrolidone, Potassium Hydroxide, Potassium Phosphate, Flavor, Sucralose, Citric Acid, Disodium Edetate, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate.
The website did seem to focus on the idea that Hydrogen Peroxide "could" be cancerous. However, the dosage in each tray is so low. Other things a consumer may need to worry about is whether or not he or she may have an allergic reaction to any of the ingredients in this product.
For me, I will probably never stop using it because I'm rather vain and like to have white teeth. Toothpaste and floss every day goes a long way, but sometimes, when you have a hot date or a special event to attend, you just got to have that extra sparkle. ;)
So according to the above website, the Aquafresh Revive Teeth Whitening Trays that I use a few times a month are not that bad to for the environmental health-minded individual. The overall hazard is low, as well as risks of cancer and developmental and reproductive toxicity. Its ecotoxicology is stated to be on the low end as well.
The product has only 13 ingredients that are easy to understand and read. It contains the following:
Glycerin, Purified Water, Hydrogen Peroxide, Colloidal Silicon Dioxide, Carbomer, Polyvinyl Pyrrolidone, Potassium Hydroxide, Potassium Phosphate, Flavor, Sucralose, Citric Acid, Disodium Edetate, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate.
The website did seem to focus on the idea that Hydrogen Peroxide "could" be cancerous. However, the dosage in each tray is so low. Other things a consumer may need to worry about is whether or not he or she may have an allergic reaction to any of the ingredients in this product.
For me, I will probably never stop using it because I'm rather vain and like to have white teeth. Toothpaste and floss every day goes a long way, but sometimes, when you have a hot date or a special event to attend, you just got to have that extra sparkle. ;)
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 4: Weekly Update
My SMART goal was saving energy and keeping my electric/heating bill down. This week I was tempted to actually turn the heat on because it would get slightly colder during the night. Then I thought: "Nah, I can get through just one more night--maybe one more week? I just need to get another blanket, that's all." Maybe wear more clothes? Haha!
I do find myself going around the apartment turning off the lights in rooms that my roommate forgot to do so. One night I came home and found that he didn't turn off the OVEN for five hours after baking his apple pie!!! I was soooooo pissed! 1) The whole building could have burned down and 2) That's wayyy too much energy being used on nothing.
Also, this week we both got a little kitten. Not sure how that would play in to saving energy...(hmmmm, question mark).
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 3: Weekly Update
This week, I was extra conscientious about my use of heat and electricity since I found out that the bill ties those two together. I did not have to use any heat because the weather was warm at night. My only challenge is that I live with a roommate who is "sometimes" just a little bit difficult to live with. He forgets to turn off the light and sometimes does not pay attention to unplugging the coffeemaker or the toaster because even if you are not using an appliance it is still using energy if it is plugged in. I am doing my best and slowly, I believe I am making a difference.
I felt pretty proud of myself this week because that is when I got a bill from Minnesota Power and it was approximately $45 for the entire month of September. That was pretty good I thought; and my roommate and I
just split the bill and actually paid it this morning.
This week I learned that not everybody has the same views and values that you do. It can also take time for other people to understand where you are coming from when you are trying to explain environmental issues to them.
My plans for next week is to keep my use of heat and electricity as low as possible. My goal for my next bill in the mail is to be just the same amount if not lower.
I felt pretty proud of myself this week because that is when I got a bill from Minnesota Power and it was approximately $45 for the entire month of September. That was pretty good I thought; and my roommate and I
just split the bill and actually paid it this morning.
This week I learned that not everybody has the same views and values that you do. It can also take time for other people to understand where you are coming from when you are trying to explain environmental issues to them.
My plans for next week is to keep my use of heat and electricity as low as possible. My goal for my next bill in the mail is to be just the same amount if not lower.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Eye Opener: CSPI
The above link was shocking to read. The statistics--if they are true--are extremely high. I have heard of the treatment of animals, pesticides, etc. throughout the years growing up, but one new thing that really stood out to me because I had never heard of it was that employees who work in the slaughterhouses have a three times higher injury rate than the ordinary factory worker. Another factor I learned was that most of the time, these employees are unskilled and not unionized.
For the food intake calculator results, my environmental burden of the animal products I eat in a year are below:
-1.4 acres of grain and grass needed for animal feed.
-0.4 pounds of pesticides used to grow animal feed.
-46.8 pounds of fertilizer used to grow animal feed.
-8,444 pounds of manure created by the animals I eat.
My calorie intake was calculated to be 811; zero grams in fiber; 23 grams in saturated fat--slightly above the recommended intake which is 20 grams; and 443 milligrams in cholesterol which is above the the 300 milligrams recommended intake. When I clicked to improve my diet, some difficulties came up. I already put in the amount 0 for pork intake since I don't ever eat pork; however, when I kept putting in a 0 for pork when it came to improving the intake the program wouldn't allow me to put in a zero saying that the amount had to at least be one. I would say that needs to be fixed for people who have specific diets. I DID put in a one just to see what would happen, BUT the program seemed to have failed. It wouldn't even accept a one in the pork section. I redid the eating green calculator twice more and it still wouldn't take. Not sure if that was a technical problem. This is why I wasn't able to view the pledge much less take it.
My grand total was negative 116. The only food section I actually scored highest was for dairy. The program asked if I ate fat-free dairy and I clicked yes. Pretty much the only area where I got it right. The foods I scored super low in were beef and cheese. I eat a lot of steak and A LOT of cheese. I eat double the amount recommended for cheese. I think that's bad?
The most improvement I need is to eat more organic products, lay off the cheese, and add more fruits and vegetables to my diet. It would be better for the environment as well as animal health.
In summary, this was a good exercise and I actually liked seeing where I stood with the statistics. It makes me want to eat less non-organic food and more greens. It has given me more of an awareness with what I'm putting into my body and I realize that if I keep going with my current diet I probably won't live very long. I thought I ate healthy but the above exercises showed me that I really didn't. Time to go grocery shopping for avocados, apples, and tomatoes! :)
The above link was shocking to read. The statistics--if they are true--are extremely high. I have heard of the treatment of animals, pesticides, etc. throughout the years growing up, but one new thing that really stood out to me because I had never heard of it was that employees who work in the slaughterhouses have a three times higher injury rate than the ordinary factory worker. Another factor I learned was that most of the time, these employees are unskilled and not unionized.
For the food intake calculator results, my environmental burden of the animal products I eat in a year are below:
-1.4 acres of grain and grass needed for animal feed.
-0.4 pounds of pesticides used to grow animal feed.
-46.8 pounds of fertilizer used to grow animal feed.
-8,444 pounds of manure created by the animals I eat.
My calorie intake was calculated to be 811; zero grams in fiber; 23 grams in saturated fat--slightly above the recommended intake which is 20 grams; and 443 milligrams in cholesterol which is above the the 300 milligrams recommended intake. When I clicked to improve my diet, some difficulties came up. I already put in the amount 0 for pork intake since I don't ever eat pork; however, when I kept putting in a 0 for pork when it came to improving the intake the program wouldn't allow me to put in a zero saying that the amount had to at least be one. I would say that needs to be fixed for people who have specific diets. I DID put in a one just to see what would happen, BUT the program seemed to have failed. It wouldn't even accept a one in the pork section. I redid the eating green calculator twice more and it still wouldn't take. Not sure if that was a technical problem. This is why I wasn't able to view the pledge much less take it.
My grand total was negative 116. The only food section I actually scored highest was for dairy. The program asked if I ate fat-free dairy and I clicked yes. Pretty much the only area where I got it right. The foods I scored super low in were beef and cheese. I eat a lot of steak and A LOT of cheese. I eat double the amount recommended for cheese. I think that's bad?
The most improvement I need is to eat more organic products, lay off the cheese, and add more fruits and vegetables to my diet. It would be better for the environment as well as animal health.
In summary, this was a good exercise and I actually liked seeing where I stood with the statistics. It makes me want to eat less non-organic food and more greens. It has given me more of an awareness with what I'm putting into my body and I realize that if I keep going with my current diet I probably won't live very long. I thought I ate healthy but the above exercises showed me that I really didn't. Time to go grocery shopping for avocados, apples, and tomatoes! :)
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Recycled Toilet Paper???
So I was looking for an article to read about recycling for a paper that I am preparing to write about in another class. I come across this article by accident while surfing the UMD's library databases and wanted to share it with everybody. Hope it means as much to you as it does to me. Thanks for reading!
Monday, October 3, 2011
Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 2: Weekly Update
- My SMART goal was to only turn on the heat for my apartment between 10pm and 8am for the next ten weeks. I actually achieved this SMART goal because it was not so cold that I had to turn on the heat.
It was extremely successful for me to not turn the heat at all to keep my electric bill costs down. The temperatures did not get so low for me to have to do anything about it.
I felt really happy about the wonderful weather pretty much every day thinking about my SMART goal. I feel pretty good about the upcoming bill in the next two weeks from Minnesota Power.
I learned that your SMART goals can be achieved if the weather is nice--depending on the type of goal you set.
For next week I need to buy plastic for all my windows so that I do not have to turn on the heat for another week weather permitting. The only way for me to modify my goal or what I am doing to achieve it would depend on the climate changes.
Eye Opener: Ecological Footprint
It was an interesting experience for me to see my ecological footprint. It was less than the U.S. but way more than Tanzania and other countries. It forced me to put things into perspective. Especially when it comes to driving. I need to drive less and recycle more and buy less pre-packaged food. I can definitely do better in my life.
Below is the link that I visited to calculate my ecological footprint.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 1: My Smart Goal
Over the next ten weeks, I will only turn on heat at night from 10pm til 8am to reduce the cost of electricity use for my apartment. This lifestyle is eco-chic because it will save energy and heating costs. I chose this life-style because it makes more sense for me to only turn on the heat when I am hanging around in my apartment. I figure that I am usually at work or school during the hours of 8am and 10pm. There is absolutely no need for me to have the heat on when I am not at home. So today, when I get home, I will only turn the heat on at 10pm.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Welcome to Sarra's Notes in Nature!

"Lady Slipper: Minnesota State Flower. July 19, 2009."
Location: Split Rock Lighthouse State Park, MN
(If you want to go see it during the summer, stop into the park in the government office and ask any of the DNR staff. It is the only lady slipper in the entire state park because it was planted there.)
My name is Sarra Vinnik, and my blog is about my adventures with nature. I enjoy trail-running and hiking a lot and when I can remember, I bring a camera along to take pictures of scenery that has meaning to me. Almost every nature picture I take has some amount of thought behind it.
There are 5 possible types of posts on my blog. They include:
- Advocacy Project
- Eye Openers
- Reflections
- Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change
- Share and Voice
The members of my web group are:
- Amy & Kristen@Enviro-Surfing with Amy & Kristen
- Caleb T.@Caleb Cares About Contamination
- Andrea V.@Fun in the Sun with Andrea
- Jamie T.@Jamie on the Big Lake
- And myself Sarra V.@Sarra's Notes in Nature
Thanks for visiting my profile! Feel free to posts lots of nature photos that you have taken with a little note about Time, Place, Location, and style of Camera (or as much as you can remember). Ciao!
Monday, September 12, 2011
First day of class
First day of HLTH 3500: Environmental Health with Dr. Versnik-Nowak. Learning how to blog today. A few new people to meet and get to know. Can't wait to graduate Spring 2012 :)
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