
Sunday, December 18, 2011

Reflections: Weeks 8-14

For the rest of this semester we focused a lot of learning how to find legislatures that were undergoing processes to be passed as well as learning how to read them and decide what they were all about. I never really understood much about this side of politics until I got to know my bill. It was interesting but long and wordy. Figuring it out took awhile and then learning how to address it as well as write a letter about it to a political figure was a new concept for me. Overall, it was a solid educational experience.

My favorite part of the semester was taking a field trip down to the Goodwill and getting to know how their system worked. I learned that there is a whole lot going on behind the scenes. The mattress separator machine intrigued me--I can't wait until somebody invents the couch separator machine or something similar.

My junking project didn't take me long to figure out what I wanted to do. I use Biore's cleansing cloths to wipe the make-up off my face at the end of the day, and these cloths come in small, plastic containers. I first started throwing them away until I realized that I could use them to store things such as band-aids and medical gauze in my first aid kit. Other things that I used them for is make-up and hair accessories.

In conclusion, this was an interesting class. I learned a lot about environmental health and now have made some huge differences, changes, and choices in my life. I never thought that a class could be life-changing as well as teach me so much--making me be aware of myself and my surroundings. Thank-you for the experience :)

Friday, December 16, 2011

Share and Voice: Yahoo! Study: American Dream Homes Turn Green

Last week I found a really cool article on that talked about how a lot of Americans these days are rethinking their ideas for a dream home. They are beginning to look toward a house that is eco-friendly and sustainable. Here is the link to the article. Enjoy!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Advocacy Project: Letter to Elected Official

December 12, 2011
Congressman Michael K. Simpson
2312 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington DC 20515

Vote YES for H.R. 2584 Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act

This letter is to bring to your attention on how conserving the United States' national and state parks as well as other recreation areas benefit our nation. The proposal is looking to keep the parks open instead of shutting them down which in turn, does not benefit the people who are looking for fun, healthy things to do. I believe that making recreation available gives people an opportunity to commune with nature and gives them a sense of belonging to the land.

Different companies such as the National Park Service, the Bureau of Land Management, and many others that were established will shut down and thousands of people will be out of jobs. The animals and vegetation in this areas will either be abandoned, moved, or worse--destroyed. Maintaining and regulating the water, land, etc. will not deplete our natural resources, thus preserving for future generations a healthy environment.

Your past actions and support on the issue have been greatly appreciated, and as a health educator, I encourage you to vote "yes" to H.R. 2584. If I can provide and further information, please contact me at 555-123-9876 or

Sarra Vinnik

Monday, December 5, 2011

Advocacy Project: Fact Sheet

Funding for National Parks and Wildlife

Make appropriations for FY2012 to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) for: (1) land and resource management; (2) construction; (3) land acquisition; (4) Oregon and California grant lands; (5) range improvements; (6) service charges, deposits, and forfeitures with respect to public lands; and (7) miscellaneous trust funds.

What happens to the parks, recreation areas, and wildlife if funding is cut or decreased?

  • Parks are taken over by industries to set up factories.
  • National areas are shut down and not used at all.
  • Animals are sent to other areas or destroyed.
  • Society as a whole cannot enjoy the parks and recreation areas that were set aside in the first place.
  • Limited activities.
  • Higher fees.
  • Job loss.
  • Partial government shutdown.
Cities see parks and recreation areas to not be as important as public safety and thus cut funding to these areas. One way that some parks and activities areas have stayed open is because of the communities getting together and volunteering. That is a good way to help make a community stronger, however these places need more than just volunteers. Instead of cutting or decreasing funds, it would be better to raise funds through different avenues.


Andrew Burns

Marisol Bello

Joseph DiStefano